Friday 27 September 2024

Can Illustrations Elevate the Reading Experience?

 To understand this, let’s begin with understanding what illustrations are, why are they indispensable, whether they are used in fiction or non-fiction books, and whether they are meant only for children’s books?

When you enter the arena of book writing and self-publishing, you are engulfed with so many queries. You have a lot on your plate- with book editing or formatting, book layouts, creating book trailers, an author’s website, marketing your book, etc.

So you may feel that adding illustrations to your book will add to the pile of already too much responsibility. You may think that- it is okay if you DIY; otherwise, it’s too much to look for a good artist, explain what to draw…or go for traditional publishers where you will have no say in how they decide to illustrate your book.

But there are easier yet better ways to do it. Just entrust a self-publishing company such as Maple Publishers, who will look into every aspect of your baby book and the illustrations.

The best thing is that you will have complete control over your book. You’ll be consulted at each step of the book-publishing journey.

Illustrations are visual representations that can be used to complement and enhance the content of a book. They may be in the form of drawings, photographs, diagrams, or any other type of graphic. They convey the message of the text.

Illustrations are an excellent tool to use in both fiction and non-fiction books. In fiction, they can be used to depict characters, scenes, and settings. They add a visual element to the story that helps readers to better immerse themselves in the world created by the author.

In non-fiction, illustrations provide clarity and enhance understanding of complex ideas, making the information more accessible and engaging for readers.

For example, in a cookbook, illustrations can be used to show step-by-step information for recipe. It becomes easier for readers to follow. In a history book, illustrations include maps, timelines, and diagrams. Readers understand the context and events being discussed better.

Illustrations are powerful tools.

Let’s first consider how using illustrations in books could benefit your project.

  • In children’s books, pictures pull them into the story and can help them understand what is going on in the book. Kids can use the illustrations as context clues to help them figure out words they don’t understand. Take the help of children’s book illustrators.
  • Though adult books have fewer pictures, they can help your audience process text more thoroughly. Upon encountering an image on a page, you naturally stop and absorb it. You have a deeper understanding of the book’s content.
  • In the non-fiction genre, with informational books, illustrations can help magnify the written data. When explaining a concept, words might not completely get the point across. So, a diagram, chart, graph, or picture helps. Use illustrations to support details.
  • Adult fiction books can also benefit from images. Pictures help people emotionally connect to the stories. They elevate your book to a work of art. Fantasy books draw huge benefits from a character or scene being illustrated. Because readers will be pulled into the visual accompanying the story.
  • Incorporating illustrations in your book will also draw in readers as they may be captivated by the artistic touch. It elevates the overall quality of the book. They will spend more time on the illustrated pages, soaking in the pictures and using them to complement whatever they read.

As illustrations can capture one’s attention, including them in your book can cause people to pause while flipping through its pages, even if they use the “look inside” feature on Amazon. They will be curious about how the image fits in with the text and will spend that much longer with your book. 

So it is very important that you get your book cover designed and illustrated by experts so that even casual passers-by are tempted to pick up and flip through the book. That’s the reason why expert book cover makers are in high demand.

You can’t depend entirely on illustrations! A visual without explanation can be just as confusing as text with no pictures. So make sure you balance the two in your book. A competent book layout designer can help you here.

The best decision will be to concentrate more on writing than on other aspects of bookmaking. For all other aspects of bookmaking, such as book covers, layout, illustrations, editing, formatting, converting to e-book, etc., entrust a professional publisher such as Maple Publishers. They will do everything under the same umbrella, and the total charges will be less.

Tuesday 27 August 2024

How to Write an Ebook & Publish It on Amazon?

 Writing a book requires a good flair for writing, a decent vocabulary stock and above all the confidence to start writing. Amateurs usually find it difficult to figure out where to start. The idea of writing a book and publishing it might be an overwhelming process. Often it becomes challenging for many to share the newly written book in the known circle with the desire to make it popular among more and more readers. However, opting for publishing an eBook instead, by availing of the Amazon publishing services from a reputed studio like White Magic Studios, budding authors can establish their careers as a prolific writer in the upcoming days.

Amazon being one of the largest publishers of eBooks provides the Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) platform where anyone can post their manuscript after getting it converted into a digital copy with the help of an ebook converter expert.

Fulfil your dream of becoming a published author by writing an eBook. Try your luck by using a few simple steps by Amazon to publish your eBook on KDP.

Here are some simple steps to write an eBook—

Decide on what you want to write

 First of all, you need to decide what you would like to write about. If you have a wonderful plot in mind, then you can try writing fiction even in ten to twenty pages. The freshness of content will drive interested readers to take a dip into your eBook on Amazon along with other online platforms you choose to sell the book.

Try your hands in writing for children. By collaborating with a childrens book illustrator, you can create a masterpiece. Offer free samples to readers. If they like the free pages, they would like to go forward to buy the eBook and even a paperback for their children.

Use as a marketing tool

Ebooks are excellent marketing tools. From writing a user manual eBook for new software or a machine to that of a home appliance- authors use this process to get more access to their future customers. Write about different steps of operating the software or the machines to provide 100% help to users.

Likewise, you can also promote your existing books with your eBooks by informing people about various important topics such as lifestyle, arts, architecture, mental health, and so on.

Passive income by storytelling 

To improve your writing skills, starting your journey as an eBook writer can be an excellent step. Start slowly and gradually, you can find yourself in a good position when you would like to publish printed copies, and then along with the help of a reliable self-publishing studio such as the White Magic Studios, publish printed copies of your books. Until then take eBook writing as an excellent way of your passive income. You can inspire many of your peers to become eBook writers sharing their thoughts and takes on different activities in life.

Start slowly- start with a twenty-page story or synopsis 

As already mentioned before, you don’t have to start with an enormous plot. Instead, start writing smaller paragraphs in lucid language. Amazon asks for a few rules to follow while publishing their eBooks. Therefore, by following the instructions of Amazon KDP and together with a reputed self-publishing agency, you can successfully publish an eBook. Later on, follow a few simple marketing tips to promote your eBook to boost sales and help it reach the bestselling category.

How to publish on Amazon KDP? Connect with a self-publishing studio in the first place

A few simple steps are to be followed to successfully publish on Amazon KDP. If you find it tiring to keep approaching the traditional publishers to print your book then on the flip side, follow the footsteps of many prolific writers these days by choosing to self publish book UK by a stellar group of professional experts at an agency.

From ghostwriting to converting the manuscript to eBook- the self-publishing agency can ensure 100% fast Amazon KDP. On finishing the eBook, start finding a reliable self-publishing agency ready to go the extra mile for their clients. Despite publishing the book on Amazon, they can also guide you on how to keep control of your eBooks.

Wednesday 8 May 2024

What Are the Qualities of the Best Book Cover Designers?

 Authors and publishers are always in need of acclaimed book cover designers UK or wherever they belong. If you’re self-publishing a book, you might be searching for a professional book designer to give the perfect portrayal of the storyline or the primary characters on the cover. 

Though publishers as well as writers prefer working with highly experienced cover designers who have already been associated with multiple bestsellers, collaborating with an inexperienced yet creative designer can also bring uniquely better results! You can also do the same while in the quest of finding a book layout designer to design the front, spiral and back designs of the paperbacks, despite designing the cover for the eBook. 

However, focus on some of the top qualities of the best book cover designers before hiring them—

  1. Unique style

Look for a book cover designer with a unique style of portraying the narration on the front cover. As we all know one shouldn’t judge the book by its cover, however, today, most people follow the opposite and purchase the book if the cover lures them! Strange but true!

 Therefore, make sure the designer is capable of serving you with some off-beat designs that you can use as the cover for your next book venture for Kindle direct publishing.

  1. Follow the trend yet stands apart 

The designer should be well-versed with the trends. Readers prefer shopping for eBooks or hard copies if they find the cover trendy. 

  1. Loves the genre 

Appoint a designer from a London-based self-publishing also works as an explainer video agency UK that appreciates the genre. For instance, if you’re a horror writer, you should be a Stephen King fan or a die-hard fan of Stanley Kubrick or similar directors. 

They should stay updated with the latest book cover design trends yet follow a unique design to lure more customers. 

Wednesday 3 April 2024

How to Design a Book Cover When Self-publishing?

 Over the years, the publishing industry has evolved by witnessing various revolutionary shifts and the acceptance of those changes by readers with the passing of time. Self-publishing is one such revolutionary act that the publishing industry witnessed when the promising authors are not ready to eagerly wait for the acceptance or rejection letters from traditional publishers. They chose to publish their own book with their investments mostly they prefer publishing a book on Amazon over other platforms because of the presence of billions of active buyers globally. 

Designing a cover for the book is equally important as it drives most readers these days. Therefore, most self-publishing authors team up with popular studios ensuring the best possible services under the same roof for publishing the book by offering childrens illustrators to ghostwriters. They provide experienced a book cover maker who can also support in designing the layout of the book besides designing the three-layered cover design for the paperbacks or hard copies. 

Authors can decide to design a book cover for the eBooks to make it more appealing for Kindle readers. The primary motive of the book cover designer is to give a brief portrayal of the story or whatever content is hidden inside. They prefer making it genre-centric where the characters are also kept in some cases. 

The colour combination and typography have a significant role in making the cover design more attractive to the readers. Before designing the cover, checking out the recently published bestsellers of the same genre will be a great help!

Saturday 2 March 2024

How to Kindle Publishing Your Book in the UK?

 Right now, a certain section of Amazon’s book-buying customers shop for only Kindle copies over hard copies and paperback. Most writers whether debutants or prolific ones with millions of fans globally- prefer publishing their eBooks in the Kindle Store much before the paperbacks or hardcopies are published. Therefore, if you have written a book and want it to reach the status of a bestseller in just a few days – go for Kindle publishing UK, before you think of investing further in printing the books.

Here are a few steps you need to follow for Kindle publishing your eBook in the United Kingdom—

Prepare a manuscript 

Firstly, for publishing a book on Kindle, you need a ready manuscript that is already digitally converted, edited, and ready to get published. Whether you write the book by yourself or have asked for ghostwriting- before Kindle self publishing a book UK – you need a final copy of the book.

Connect with a self publishing agency 

Collaborating with a self-publishing agency extending their help for Kindle publishing in the UK can shoulder the majority of the responsibility. You can depend on the expertise of the professionally talented individuals onboard offering myriad services any writer needs before and after publishing their book on a digital platform.

From assisting you with professional editing to helping you find an explainer video agency for a better understanding of your Kindle readers- you can get complete support from the self-publishing agency based in London or anywhere across the United Kingdom.

They also have professional illustrators, layout designers, proofreaders, eBook converters and different other service providers. Team up with these service providers according to your requirements.  

Design book covers 

Expert book cover designers have a key role when you publish a book whether in an eBook version or printed versions. Hire a talented professional for that job to drive the attention of your target readers.

Friday 26 January 2024

Ideas to Start Your Career as a Writer

 The creative passion of many individuals leads them to become successful writers in the future. It’s not always true that most of them started liking scribbling on paper in their childhood, many celebrated authors have become successful at a mature age. Your intensity of writing whether essays, fiction, or poetry can inspire you to move a step forward to publish your creations. Start with self-publishing and it can be even better if you opt for Kindle Direct Publishing UK to reach out to more readers faster.

At present, a huge section of readers prefer reading eBooks on their Kindle devices or smartphones, laptops or computers. The sales rate of digital copies is even skyrocketing than paperbacks or hard copies. Have a close collaboration with a reputed Amazon publishing agency spreading their hands for new authors interested in using the digital platform to publish their book. Despite launching the eBooks on Amazon’s platform, self-publishing authors can also launch their paperbacks and hard copies here.

Here are some steps to start your career as a writer—

Stay focused 

In a recent interview with Songs of Ice and Fire famed George. R. R. Martin, Stephen King confessed that he maintains a deadline of writing six pages every day with everything done on it. This is how he can easily finish any book in two months while the former is failing to complete his last installment of the incredibly popular franchise in the past couple of years. Stay focused and be determined to complete at least three pages every day and maintain a deadline to finish writing your book including focusing on designing the book covers front and back, layouts, and illustrations during the process.

Be an avid reader

Good authors are good readers. You should keep reading as much as you can to not only increase your knowledge of the same genre but also to know how the book layout designer has shown his creativity.

Also, join book clubs to get the opinion of other readers there while you still write the pages.

Get your website ranked by one of the leading SEO agencies in Delhi and receive a free PCC audit from PPC Consultants.

Saturday 6 January 2024

7 Things to Do When Book Self-publishing UK

 When the book is ready to get published, the authors start to be concerned about its marketing. Though most creative writers are investing in self publishing books UK rather than getting stranded in the long queue of manuscripts at the popular publishers’ offices, they have to show creativity when it comes to promotions. If you’re a debuting author then you have to go an extra mile to promote your new book among the target audiences.

You can visit any press where they can print your book. However, working shoulder to shoulder with a reputed self-publishing agency like White Magic Studios will be a lifetime experience. We assure you with 100% ROI by offering an all-inclusive self-publishing services needed. For a hassle-free publishing experience and to get the best of a team work, signing up with a self-publishing agency will be your first priority.

Here are a few steps discussed about your new self-published book—

Work with the best cover designers 

Focus on creating a strong first impression among the readers. For that, the book should have a creative and alluring cover design. Hire one of the best book cover design UK, with years of experience to design covers for quite a few bestselling books of the same genre.

At self-publishing agency you collaborate with can help you connect with a talented cover designer, capable of assuring you with an impactful cover design and layout design of the book that will be either published online on Kindle self publishing or printed versions. For the latter, you should put emphasis on the three-layered cover design including the front, spiral and the back.

Discuss your expectations of the cover design with the creative personality so that they can design the covers by focusing on the storyline, major characters and the genre. Today’s readers are more attracted towards the covers despite the warning of not judging the book by its cover. To entice the potential buyers of your book, make the cover designs more creative and connected to the theme of your content.

Hire a digital marketing agency/freelancer 

For a professional promotion of your new book, hire a digital marketing agency or a freelancer who can shoulder the marketing of your book strategically. Whether you publish the book in an eBook format by using the Amazon book publishing UK platform or print it in hardcopies or paperbacks, growing the awareness of the book is mandatory to earn more profits and let it get a position among the bestsellers.

Collaborate with an ace marketing team for immaculate online marketing. As most readers spend time online using social media and email marketing will bring more leads. The digital marketing experts also depend on Amazon advertising to promote the book on Amazon. By creating a short trailer of the book they start their promotional activities by targeting the audiences that can be converted into buyers of your book.

They do strategic PPC or Pay-Per-Click advertising to let more target audiences know about the book you launched in the recent past or about to be launched.

With SEO and content activities, improving sales is possible. Start with creating a website for your book where you can write blogs about different relevant topics about the book and similar subject matter to grow interest among readers.

You can easily go for social media profiles to post images, short videos and quotes from the book to allow more and more readers to find interest in buying and reading your book. Use the keywords strategically with hashtags to drive more potential readers to your posts.

Launch your book 

You can unveil the launching date of your new book as an eBook or print on a certain date. Let the readers know about the launching date and time so that they can keep an eye on the website or social media profiles you create.

You can also set up an event at a local auditorium or a bookstore nearby to unveil your new book. If you are already a known writer then the customers might want to have a signed copy. As a debutant author, you can provide a token gift such as a metallic bookmark, a pen, a brooch etc. as a mark of your thankfulness to the readers for accepting you.

Get your website ranked by one of the leading SEO agencies in Delhi and receive a free PCC audit from PPC Consultants.

Can Illustrations Elevate the Reading Experience?

  To understand this, let’s begin with understanding what illustrations are, why are they indispensable, whether they are used in fiction or...